Monday, November 29, 2010

Back on the Merry-Go-Round

It was back to work today so I got up at my normal time of 4.20 to the sound of howling wind and rain but no excuses I pulled on the wet weather jacket and hit the pavement.  I felt a little stiff to start off and by the time I loosen up I had turned around and was hit by a nasty head wind, so not great pace today (10km @ 5:41/km average pace).

Lunch time session:

4 x 8 back pully (35kg)
4 x 8 bent over rows (25kg standard bar)
4 x 8 upper back (25kg)
4 x 8 overhead triceps extensions (12.5kg)
4 x 8 tricep dips
4 x 8 tricep extensions (15kg standard bar)
4 x 50 oblique twists (3kg medicine ball)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Who ate all the Pies?

Well finally home after a few days at Byron Bay via Grafton.  On a positive note I can say Wayne and I enjoyed running together with some solid efforts. We also enjoyed a little too much eating and drinking but hey we we're on holidays and we did celebrate our 9th Wedding Anniversary while we were away.

Got home last night (27 November) and we both jumped on the scales and I think I'm carrying that pork belly I ate.

This morning I enjoyed a easy 16km run along Botany Bay.  I really didn't feel like running at all but I need to get some level of fitness happening again and focus on my goals. I got hope feeling quite happy with an average pace of 5.30/km.

I have reviewed my meal plan, gym timetable and looked over some programs so I'll now be back in full swing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Bounded out bed again at 4.20am this morning and hit the pavement for a 10km trot along the Bay, naturally after a cup of coffee.  The legs a bit heavy after yesterdays return to the gym but the further I ran the better I felt towards the end of the run I was knocking out sub 5 min k's so I was happy with that.

Back to the gym at lunch :-)

4 x 10 bent over rows (25kg standard bar)
4 x 10 lat pull downs (35kg)
4 x 8 lower back machine (25kg)
4 x 8 lower pulley machine (25kg)
4 x 8 lateral dumbbell flys (7.5kg)
4 x 10 upright rows (17.5kg)
4 x 8 shoulder press machine (15kg).

I have two goals I'm working towards at the moment. I need to knuckle down and work very had but I have the support of Wayne who is going to offer me some guidance and we a both very excited.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Days.

I had my monthly visit to the dietitian last night and was extremely surprised that I had actually lost weight, it was only 100g but based on my poor diet and exercise routine I was mentally prepared for a huge gain.  Now my measurements tell a slightly different story, a couple of cm's have been gained overall but I know they will disappear very quickly.

This morning I got up nice and early and was at the door by 4:45am and enjoyed a 15km run along the shores of Botany Bay.  I trotted out with the mind set of just a steady pace to build endurance and burn fat, so a cruisey 5:27/km average pace felt pretty good.

After weeks of sitting at my desk working through lunch I finally got myself together and ventured out Fitness First (Park Street), felt a little disorientated but I'm sure I'll be navigating myself around the gym in no time.

I decided to play it safe today and not go too heavy and just get my body back into condition - aah it felt good.

4 x 10 leg press (60kg)
4 x 10 abductors (45kg)
4 x 10 glute machine (20kg)
4 x 10 lunges (25kg standard bar)
4 x 8 chest press machine (25kg)
4 x 8 dumbbell overhead (15kg)
4 x 8 incline flys (7.5kg)

Back to work and enjoyed 100g chicken breast and home garden salad.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random - but a Goal.

Another week of nothing has slipped by and still no routine and no where near the level of fitness I feel comfortable with and the months of weights all seems to have gone down the drain.  I'm really struggling to get myself together at the moment.

Before heading for GNW on Friday (12/11), I ventured out for a 16km run and really enjoyed it.  A nice comfortable average pace of 5:23/km.

Saturday morning after dropping Wayne off at the start I head ventured out for an easy 5km run along the shores of Warner's Bay.

Fast forward to Tuesday (16/11), I was out of bed at 4.20 am and out the door at 4:45 for an easy 10km along Botany Bay.  Got home showered to got myself ready for work and announced my next big goal, and questioned my capabilities.  So tonight I'm going to talk to Wayne about my details training and get some tips.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


7 November 2010

Happy to see the sunshine, Wayne and I ventured out for longish run (by my standards these days).  Right from the start I felt terrible, just not comfortable and struggled.  I got to the 5km mark and turned around for home.  I got home with only 10km completed and an average pace of 5:11/km.  I was cranky with myself for a lot of reasons, but it was a no brainer slow down and run longer.

8 November 2010

Lets just move along.

9 November 2010

The alarm went of this morning at 4.30am and it felt like mid-night, I was in such a deep sleep and could have easily just rolled over and gone back to sleep but I dragged myself out of bed. The whole run was an effort, 10km at 5:27/km average pace but a least I can say "I did it".

I'm really looking forward to just getting away.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I will survive

5 November 2010

Thankfully the volataren and the massage Wayne gave my neck and shoulders worked some magic.  I bounded out of bed to find although not perfect my neck and shoulders felt ok, so after a quick coffee I was out the door for an easy 7km along the Bay.

6 November 2010

A little day trip north to for a a bit of run with Jane and Wayne on the GNW, actually we didn't run a lot but we did get to see a few little areas that could find you running unwanted km's if you took the wrong turn.  We did find a snake roughly 6 feet long and lots of leaches. A good day out finished with a nice lunch at the Brooklyn Pub on the way home.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Voltaren Sandwich

2 November 2010

We were off and racing..... well almost.  After putting in some long days at work and looking at my schedule over the next few weeks I was lucky enough to squeeze in a Flex Day (RDO). Wayne and I enjoyed a rare sleep in and then hit the road.  Again I ran the usual 10km along Botany Bay.  It was an enjoyable run, well except for the wind.

We then enjoyed a nice day at home watching the races and having a little flutter, I started a book I have been wanting to read for months, and nanna nap.  Best day I have had in ages.

3 November 2010

Started the day with the best intentions got to work by 7am with a plan of leaving early and heading to the gym.  A request for a late afternoon meeting, that got postponed and then cancelled; another long day.  I got home exhausted and frustrated and welcomed the invitation to go our for dinner.

4 November 2010

Up early with a plan to get into work early, get home early and then hit the gym.  Just about ready to work out the door, grabbed my jacket and WHAM!!! My neck felt like it was going to explode, muscle spasms down my neck and across my L shoulder blade.  Wayne suggested a visit to the Doctors.  With my current workload I popped a couple of pain killers and hoped for the best.

Hence, an interesting lunch menu today.  I headed straight to the chemist for some voltaren gel and tablets.  Thankfully the pain has eased and I no longer feel like I'm going to vomit.

It just seems that everything is hindering any attempt to train at the moment........

On a positive note, we have booked another little holiday, the Blues Festival at Byron Bay over Easter.  Once we heard Bob Dylan was appearing out came the credit card - cannot wait.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Trifecta

30 October 2010

With a busy weekend and playing catch up after working last weekend I was out of bed early Saturday morning and enjoyed 10km along Botany Bay.  I felt rather tired when I first got started but the further I ran the better I felt.  With about 3km to go, Wayne pulled over (on his way home from work) to say good morning and commented on how fit I looked - nice.  After a quick drink I continued home with 10km completed @5:06/km average pace.

31 October 2010

Having not stuck to my Sunday LSD routine for a few weeks I got out of bed with a plan to run 16km, knowing I did not have a lot of time on my hands.  Wayne decided to give the run a miss, but by the time I got dressed and had a coffee he decided to join me.  We enjoyed a nice conformable 16km along Botany Bay and along the Cooks River.  It was quite humid and I realised I was perhaps a little dehydrated.

1 November 2010

Back to work and early starts.  Out of bed again at 4.30 and enjoyed a nice 7km.  I felt pretty tied and ran at average pace of 5:23/km but happy to have got out there.  Caught a bit of glance of myself in the mirror this morning and noticed the bloating is disappearing and could see the return of nice flat stomach and some abs.  Now what can I do with these legs and butt.....weights!!!!