Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well I lost the Gregory v's Gregory challenge this week but I'm happy to say that I lost weight and few centimetres along the way. Let's just say, my challenger had a "last minute training session" and next weeks results may be a little more accurate. I'm pleased to say I feel like I have finally turned the corner with my foot injury, the dreaded plantar fasciitis, I have some new orthotics to wear in my everyday shoes and had some adjustments made to my "running" orthotics, some physio and lots of taping. I am very excited that I have had no foot pain for now 9 days. Last weeks training was again mixed and very enjoyable; * Running - a grand weekly total of 45km and pain free!!!!! * Lots of strength and core work, I'm loving the return of the callous on my hands * Cardio; step machine, bike, walking, etc. On Saturday morning we meet my lovely sister and her two little girls and walked "The Bay", a great way to spend a couple of hours in the sunshine. Feeling good.......

Monday, April 4, 2011

Gregory v's Gregory

This week’s training has been like a bag of liquorice allsorts. I finally received the results from my x-ray and my foot is “normal”, so the Doctor recommended I get a steroid injection, so I have made an appointment with a sports doc on 13 April 2011. In frustration and pain I took myself off the local physio in pure desperation with my x-rays in hand. I should have done this sooner; it appears the pain in due plantar fasciitis (who would have thought) so after some treatment and strapping I was off out the door and limped home.

In addition to the medical costs I have decided to it’s time to trade in the stilettos for “flatties” - yes I have been shoe shopping.

So this week’s training has included; walking, swimming, free weights, PUMP classes, and a 90 minute session in Wanda Sandhills

Now getting back to “Gregory vs. Gregory”, both Wayne and I have been injured for a while now, so for a couple that were both running 100km plus per week to next to nothing our waist lines have expended, so there is a challenge in the house. On Saturday morning, we took some before photos in our “reg grundies”, weighed in and shook hands on a three month challenge, similar to the Biggest Loser, the person with the biggest weight loss percentage each week is the winner. So this week’s were off the movies to the see the winner's choice.